Basic Club Information

A lot of the information you want – including ride details is elsewhere on our website.

We meet throughout the year except for one weekend at Christmas.

We are predominantly a Club for people coming into cycling or returning to it and wanting a sociable ride over a reasonable distance at a leisurely pace. Most of the members are 30 plus going up to 70.   All riders under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult and wear a cycling helmet

We have three levels of rides;  As many of our rides include off-road sections, you should ensure your bike is suitable for the ride, including negotiating any cycle stiles.

Monday/Wednesday Evenings – at 7.00 pm from late April to the end of August – various meeting points in Stockport – On Wednesdays, we have two rides (subject to demand) – A true beginners ride at about 6 miles and a longer ride of 10-12 miles although some members ride out to the meet point to make a longer ride. Monday evening rides are restricted to 10 miles. Mostly these rides are off-road on easy trails and canals.

Saturdays – every other Saturday, meeting at 10.00 am. One ride will usually start in Stockport while for the next we will meet in Stockport and drive up to 45 minutes before the ride. These rides are mainly off-road on easy trails over a distance of 14-20 miles.

Sundays – One Sunday a month mainly on road on quiet lanes up to 30 miles with a lunch stop. Can meet anywhere in the area in order to explore new areas.

We have a ride fee of £1 per ride.  Regular riders can take advantage of the annual fee of £20 with unlimited rides.  No charge is made for the first ride.

Our numbers have steadily grown and all rides usually average 20/25 riders, even on Sundays. All rides are led by qualified leaders. We would request you carry a pump and a spare inner tube of the right size and valve type for your bike.

If you have any more questions after looking at the website please let us know.